Wednesday, May 12, 2010

flowers and rain

lilies of the valleylilies of the valleyfeet, in the rain

The lilies of the valley have finally peaked. Every year, I always feel like I miss them. Of course, they're beautiful and then gone in about 1.7 days, but I feel like I shouldn't be leaving their side for the entirety of those 1.7 days. You know?

They're like heaven on a stem. I wish you could smell these through the screen, really.

That's why this year I made sure to document their growth. In a little photo project I'll put up here soon. (Okay, so I guess "project" is too grand a word for what I really did, but it's still pretty amazing. You'll see.)

I took these pictures yesterday, when the skies were gray and it was sprinkling and I purposely went into work late on account of not being able to mentally get myself there. All I wanted was springtime and sunshine, hoping it would force my mood to shape up and ship out. Now today, it's all sunshine and fresh air (despite being chilly) and I wouldn't mind a little gloominess to just validate my feelings a little.

I think that's a pathological tendency I have. When it's sunny I feel obligated to be chipper and full of energy even when I'm not, but when it's rainy and gray I feel I have no other choice than to match my mood to the air, which I usually do.

It's like how I eat exorbitant amounts of food every time I watch The Biggest Loser. Pathological, I tell you.

I'm just going to go stare at some lilies of the valley and see if that helps.


  1. I'm sorry you're feeling gloomy! I hope you feel better soon!
    I love Lily of the Valley. There was tons of it on my college campus, and it always bloomed right at the end of the term. I'll always associate it with the beginning of summer vacation.

  2. My favorite flower! Please save some for 15 days so I can see them when I come home. Thanks.

  3. Ooooh, I love these and the feeling they exude...very calming! :)

    Liesl :)

  4. The lilies will fill the room and fill your heart! let the flowers of the season match your mood---not the weather!

  5. LOVE these pictures!! i am a stickler for pictures of feet :)

    & i laughed out loud at the biggest loser revelation. it's so wonderful to know i'm not the only one sitting down with ben & jerry's before watching a weight loss show :)

  6. oh, this made me laugh out loud.
    Great post Ruth.
    I know what you mean about not leaving their side. I loved how you said that.

  7. the picked l.o.t.v. in the vase really made me happy too.


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