Saturday, May 22, 2010

in a new light


Thank you, life.
For sometimes throwing in difficult situations
that, while difficult,
can force us to bring courage.

After situation upon situation,
I've finally realized that I have no other choice
than to have courage and make a change.
Thank you, life.


  1. Funny how that happens, isn't it?
    Have you ever seen the meditation on affliction? If not, it's here...

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my post the other day. I responded in comments (I always forget to check back for responses so I figure other people do too).

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. I think that's something that is definitely learned in college, that growing is very hard. Beautiful photo and I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog!

  3. this is so great.
    and so true.
    love that picture!!

  4. how insightful.

    good things do often come out of bad situations.

    I hope you had a fabulous weekend!!!

  5. beautiful beautiful sentiments. so lovely. and so true.

  6. what pretty writing :) and how true.
    loving your blog.


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?