Friday, August 20, 2010

20th of august, break

camp ellissteph, beachflopsmaine lobstahgirlies

Just returning from a few peaceful days on the coast of Maine, time spent with a family who've adopted me as one of their own, with these words from Mary Oliver resounding in my heart.

But the lilies

are slippery and wild—they are
devoid of meaning, they are
simply doing,
from the deepest

spurs of their being,
what they are impelled to do
every summer.
And so, dear sorrow, are you.


  1. That sounds like perfection. Happy weekend!

  2. ooo, i want to be there!

    great poem. just read it aloud, slowly... how amazing that someone's words can put you, so quickly, into a different mood...

  3. i cannot say maine without blissfully remembering how i slept through most of our trip....enjoy your blog break :o)

  4. these pictures are awesome!!!!! looks like you had an amazing time!


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