Wednesday, August 4, 2010

at the lake

before the sunfeetbigelow hollowunawaresmommybackwoods

A Monday spent at the lake, overcast sky or not, is usually a good Monday.

We spent ours swimming in the cold water anyways and taking jumping-in-the-lake photos in rapid succession, slideshow-style. A rather large fish perpetually followed us at our ankles, which we affectionately called "the love fish." We ate cold sandwiches on the big rock and took photos of our feet as they dangled over the edge.

Now that I'm done with my AmeriCorps service term and virtually unemployed, I'm realizing that "playing hooky" feeling I'd feel as a child when I came home from school early, stopping at the pharmacy with my mom for cough syrup or Tylenol and feeling naughty for not being in school. Not being at work on a Monday morning, completely legitimately, evokes this same feeling.


  1. The lake looks so fun! Also, when I was without school or a job, I felt that exact same "hooky" feeling. It was useful to sort of schedule and structure my day, to make it feel less scattered.

  2. girl i love playing "hooky" to me those are the stolen moments that make life an adventure ! i loved your lake time !

  3. gorgeous photos as always. I never get enough of your pictures. They are alwasy so great to look at. Glad you had fun!!

  4. oh my gosh! this lake is amazingggg


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