Friday, August 27, 2010

27th of august, break

breezy tankaugust top

Some recent sewing-machine creations, from a thrifted men's XL button-down.

Someday, in the future, I'll have a sweet little apartment in a fun town, with lots of bright light and pillows and green plants and

I need comfort.

It'll have all my things in it, and there will be a space for my yoga mat and a reading chair and a sewing table and none of these things will be in sight of a television.

I'll have my own kitchen that will be stocked with fresh food that I enjoy. I'll make my own coffee in the morning as strong as I like and drink it, quietly.


  1. creative:) i love making my own coffee:)

  2. so creative!
    i know how that feels, ruth!
    i just moved into my own place about 3 months ago...
    i. love. solitude.
    and have so much gratitude for the freedom to surround myself with only things that ~i~ love.

  3. oooh I love it! Very nice. I'm making a trip to the thrift store tomorrow! Yay.

  4. Good girl This makes me very, very happy.

  5. So cute. This makes me wish I could sew.


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