Thursday, August 26, 2010

26th of august, break

I can't stop listening to this song. And trying not to cry.


  1. That is a beautiful song. Thank you so much for sharing. The message is so perfect.

  2. let it out sista:) let it out:)

  3. Aw, good song! Reminds me of Lily Allen or Kate Nash.

  4. Oh great, I'll consider this NSFW then!

  5. what a beautiful song!
    ugh- i feel this way about a few people...
    hurts, but it's so perfect!

  6. Wow! I had not heard of that artist or that song...but what a lovely, heartfelt song! Very touching! Thanks for sharing!

    Liesl :)

  7. What a heartbreakingly beautiful song. It makes me think of all the times I was less than kind and regret it so much.

  8. thats such a lovely song.

    i was at a party a few years ago when she was just starting out and we all basically ignored her the whole night! i so regret that now, i wish i realised her amazingness then!!

  9. P.S. I happend to find the following posted by someone who wrote her about this very song and it is Kate's thoughts about the song's meaning and she is actually James in the song, which I found interesting and thought I would come back and post for you! :)

    Kate's own words...

    There is no 'poor guy' - i was 'James'. Song lyrics are not always literal truth. Sometimes I like to change the story to tell it from a different perspective.

    A lot of schools actually teach 'Caught in the Crowd' to show their students about the importance of standing up for people and not letting bullying happen.

    Warm wishes,


  10. Oh my gosh! Thanks, Liesl! So fascinating...


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