Thursday, August 6, 2009

Another non-post

This may or may not be another word-vomit post.

This weekend may or may not hold very good news for me.

I may or may not be waiting for this news until Sunday night.

After this weekend, I may or may not embrace whatever news I have.

Come Monday, I may or may not be an emotional wreck. Even though I will be PMS-free.

Next week, I may or may not be freaking out. And I don't use this term lightly. I mean freaking out.

Next weekend, you may or may not have to question whether I am still sane enough to consider writing this blog.


After this weekend, I will have news.

Come Monday, I will be in some sort of agitated emotional state, whether positive or not-so-positive.

Next week, let's just face it--I will be an emotional wreck either way.

You know those life coaches people talk about? I need one. To tell me what to do. Because come this weekend, I'm going to need to do something.

Good Lord.

(Photo via ThroughTheHeartOfAPhotographer. I like it because it's called "Flight or Fight.")


  1. well, you've got me curious, that's for sure.

  2. listen, I know people who have these said life coaches. You do not need a life coach. Whether or not you meant it literally.


  3. My curiosity is piqued, to say the least.

    I've found that things happen for a reason, even when they're utterly bad-seeming at the time. If I didn't believe this I'd be a nervous wreck 24-7.

  4. Thanks, you guys! More coming soon . . .


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