Saturday, August 8, 2009

Nothing yet.

My stomach hurts. Uncontrollably, at all hours of the day. I even find myself waking up in the night to it. Don't you think I'd relax while I'm unconscious?

I haven't been hungry. If you know me, you know this is strange. When I do eat, it all tastes the same. Tonight I had corn on the cob, rice, and steak. My mom's cooking is great. It all tasted the same.

I had to babysit today. For the same kids I babysit for four days out of the week. It was like an extended work week. My only solace of knowing that I'd be busy from eight-thirty to five again was that I'd be busy. And maybe I could keep my mind off it.

I've been holding my phone since I woke up this morning. In my hand. If I really need that hand, I put it into my pocket, and promptly turn it to vibrate. When my mom called, I practically shit my pants in anticipation until I saw "Home" show up on the screen.

Nothing yet.

However, looking at beautiful blogs like The Feather Circus is nicely distracting. Just look how gorgeous her photos are.


  1. I like your new header.
    Hang in there.
    I feel really sorry that you couldn't taste the corn.
    Try again when things settle down.


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