Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hello, August

How I love the flip-flop tan lines you give my feet,

and the rich smell of freshly cut grass,

the gorgeous flowers in full bloom,

the carefree bicycle rides,

the neverending hydrangea bushes,

the sound of faucets and sprinklers and hoses and pools,

the ablility to grill just about everything for dinner,

and taking many, many cat naps.

1 comment:

  1. Flip Flop tan lines are the best!! Unfortunately near impossible to get here at the moment. We're having a bit of a non-summer summer in london! In 2 weeks though I'll be in scorching sunshine and I can't wait!

    Saskia x

    PS totally with you on the hair in Africa thing... I'm so glad that now when my hair's up in a ponytail it's completely up and away and not hanging down my neck & back making me hot!



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