Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This Post Brought to You by: Coffee

Caution: Proceed through this post at your own risk. Lack of sleep, PMS, and irritable children have caused me to turn religiously to coffee as a means of getting me through the morning. This post is, right now, my outlet. So I'm apologizing in advance. Don't say I didn't warn you . . .

Maybe it's the full moon. Maybe it's because it's hump day. I don't know. I just need massive amounts of coffee, and then some. Plus shopping sprees and fruit pies and a new iPod/phone and a job with benefits. But I don't have those things. I just have the coffee. It'll have to do, for now.

GeorgeLittle said to me just a few minutes ago, "Ruthie, 'member that time we went to Starbucks and you got the coffee that was double as strong and had too much caffeine? Why'd you do that? Wasn't it making your heart go 'puh FOOM puh FOOM puh FOOM?'"

I could also use a trip back to South Africa. That picture is from April of 2008 when we went on a full moon hike up Lion's Head in Cape Town. Granted, it was an extremely difficult hike (read: climbing ladders and chains up cliffs) and we failed to consider that once we hiked up and saw the sun set we'd then have to hike down in the ever-increasing darkness, it was still amazing. There's another full moon tonight, and it made me think of that day over a year ago. Where does the time go?

Now I'm here, living at home, friends dispersed, nannying for the neighbors and still trying to figure out my post-graduation plans. I guess I'm just still grappling with it. It's almost been three months! I can't help but think that if I were in elementary or high school, my summer would be over already.

What now? I know that I haven't just sat around and twiddled my thumbs since high school graduation, but it gets hard to hear about all the great things other people are doing with their lives while I sit next door and take little children to science museums (no offense to said little children).

I just need a strong drink. Pronto. Is it only 10:30am?

I was recently reading a good blog and found out about The Happiness Project. Once I get some spare time to really read it, I'm going to start using The Happiness Project Toolbox, which also looks pretty cool. Does it make someone sound dumb to say they're using a Happiness Toolbox on the internet? Probably. Do I care? No. (Okay, well, maybe a little.) But I'm doing it anyway.

God must be belly laughing right now because I have to run--the kids just innocently walked in from the deck with Nutella all over their shirts that they ate OUT OF THE RECYCLING BIN. I guess they don't realize that PMS is rearing its ugly head today.

I don't think I've ever asked this but . . . when is summer over again?


  1. hahahah.. the recycling bin bit made me laugh.
    also, the happiness project looks amazing, and I WANT the tool box too, but I couldn't find it on the blog...

    also, i haven't disappeared. :(

  2. You are funny. I love your writing. This post really made me laugh. Hang in there.


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