Monday, August 10, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

Okay, so these pictures did not all come from this weekend. Clearly, I suck at taking pictures every minute of the day (who doesn't?) and by the time Sunday night rolled around, it was too late and tried to save myself by taking countless photos of Stella. But who doesn't like photos of kitties?

Thursday I took the kids to the park, so that's where those pictures came from. We've named the swans Lucy and Philip, and imagine stories of their marriage and life together as a couple and think about where their babies could be (swans, after all, do mate for life). Lucy and Philip have become highlights of our weeks.

Stella and Taz (my brother's cat) are slowly becoming friends. Stella still hisses at him, like the old woman she is, when he tries to attack her. But he's just playing. Secretly, she loves it. If she was really sick of him, she'd walk away. But she sits there and takes it. Stella loves Taz. She just won't admit it.

My weekend didn't consist of much. Actually, it consisted mostly of sitting with my phone waiting for a call from Good Shepherd Volunteers. Yes, I gave that much away of my Great Big Secret. Perhaps I'm dragging this out. But I really can't reveal anything on here without knowing myself, first. Today is Decision Making Day, do not fret.

This weekend, I also went out on the town with Abby Friday night. I brought my camera and actually meant to take pictures, but all I ended up with was a picture of the pretty black-and-white tiled floor in the dark bathroom stall at 1am. It may have been gross. And slightly inappropriate to take photos in the bathroom of a bar. But it was a pretty floor. Unfortunately, it didn't come out light enough to be blog-worthy. I'm sure you can imagine.

Other than Friday night and waiting by phone, my weekend involved a whole lot of reading. Yes, reading. Have you seen previews for The Time Traveler's Wife? I'll have to post the trailer on here. The English major in me always wants to read the book before the movie (which in most cases proves to be the better choice, except in Nicholas Sparks' case--I detest his novels, but love the movies). So, I have NOT BEEN ABLE TO PUT DOWN THIS BOOK. It's really great. And it's Audrey Niffenegger's first novel. No joke. The woman is a genius. I would highly suggest it.

I'm itching to know--what'd you do this weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. Aww, the cats are too cute!!

    The Time Traveller's Wife is a fantastic book!!! I loved it. I'm looking forward to seeing how the film will tackle it...

    I recommend The Book Thief - best book I've read in AGES, possibly my favourite book ever. Really really compelling.

    Saskia x


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