Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer Vacation Stop One: Washington, D.C.

Yesterday afternoon we arrived in D.C. safely and soundly, completing the first leg of our summer vacation trip to the outer Banks. We're only here for the weekend, but we've had a lot crammed in and frankly, I'm already exhausted. I won't mind sleeping in the car for the next seven-hour leg to North Carolina. As long as I buy me some headphones, first and foremost (note to self: never forget headphones on a seven-hour car ride in a minivan with your family).

We've ridden the elevator up and down, and up and down.

We've already visited the White House, again (too bad Obama's at the Cape).

We've done lots and lots of walking, hand-in-hand.

We've spent a lot of time on Rachel's roof deck, swimming and eating and chatting and tanning.

We've played with this adorable baby (not babysitting, but playing--big difference).
We're pros at riding the Metro everywhere (Mary's absolute favorite).
And being huge dorks on the Mall and taking tourist-y photos. A requirement.

Emerald Isle, here we come! Please be as warm and sunny and beautiful as I remember you.

1 comment:

  1. Whose camera did we take those dorky tourist pictures on? I never saw them!


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