Tuesday, August 25, 2009

emerald isle in the morning

Waking up before dawn? No prob, Bob.
Tiptoe-ing around the room so as not to wake sisters and cousins while I stumble around looking for some semblance of an outfit? Yup.
Slipping out of the house and waltzing to the beach with coffee mug in hand? Done.
Overcoming my irrational hatred of sand and sitting in it in sneakers and yoga pants with no towel? Psh, please. I'm so there.

That's right, that's the sun rising. I've always wanted to call myself an "early riser" or a "early bird" or a "morning person," but the motivation has just never seemed to stick. That's why today, after getting in one good morning of sleeping-in-laziness yesterday, I set my alarm and woke up early. Before the sun. It was still dark out.

I think I'm going to do this every day. Nothing but me, coffee, a banana, a notebook, my camera, and the waves. And the rare runners or dog-walkers. Who knew the world was awake so early?

Who knew the world even exists before the sun is up?


  1. When I'm at the beach it's one of the rare times I'm motivated to get up before the sun. It's so magical on the sand in the morning, before the crowds come slogging their umbrellas and coolers behind them. Thanks for sharing your morning - I especially love the bird on the shore.

  2. wow, such a beautiful scene! I miss the beach like that.
    I love your photo with the notebook! beautiful! :-)


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