Thursday, August 20, 2009

Done Done Donedonedone DONE

Today was my last day of babysitting. And working at daycare. And ever having to take care of another child as long as I live, unless I do so willingly or ever have my own.

I will never ever be subject to snotty, over-protective, self-centered parents who put no trust in their childcare providers.

And I will also never ever be subject to snotty, rude, bratty, manipulative children.

If I don't want to.

This is cause for celebration! I'm liberated! I'm free! (Until Spetember 1st, when the rest of my life starts.) Until then, I'll be lounging on the beaches of North Carolina with a drink in my hand and a good book in my lap (I'll be sure to blog).

And I won't be looking after any children.

("I love you, Ruth" least the kids are damn cute.)

(Addendum: I do not hate children. I just hate the actions of bratty children. And I may be a little bit bitter after all these years of babysitting and nannying and daycare-working.)


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