Monday, August 3, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

This weekend definitely beat last weekend. I still didn't take as many pictures as I'd hoped. I think I really need to start working on that. Sometimes I just feel so silly though, whipping out my camera at the most inopportune times, even if it's a really great moment. Sometimes the greatest moments are ones that normal people don't think to capture.

My weekend was full of storms and rainbows, Chinese food and beer, swimming at Bigelow Hollow, family parties by the pool, a night out with Rachel and good friends, nursing my night out the morning after, cleaning (like usual), preparing for yet another phone interview (yikes! fingers crossed!), shucking corn*, cooking dinner and dessert for everyone and crashing into bed way too early Sunday night.

Rachel's still here, but she flies home tonight. Tomorrow I'll wake up and life will be back to normal and I'll be missing her all over again.

But on the plus side, only three more weeks till our super fabulous beachy beach vacation!

How was your weekend?

*I could say that since I haven't really shucked corn since I was little, it was wonderfully reminiscent. I could say that sitting outside listening to the pitter-patter of falling raindrops amidst the heat and silence was actually very calming and it gave me time to be with my own thoughts. I could say that shucking corn really isn't as terrible as I remember and that I actually kind of like it. But that would be lying to the extreme. It's just as terrible as I remember it.

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  1. What a great weekend! I know exactly what you mean about not taking the camera all the time. When my niece and nephew were over on Saturday I know I missed a million wonderful photo opps but didn't want a camera between us all day.

  2. :-) sounds wonderful!!

    i gota say.. i love signing in to read blogs every monday.. cuz i know you're gonna blog all the wonderful crazy things you have done through the weekend! ;-)


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