Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ray, here I come

Ray is just getting too popular. Too many other people are being won over by his good looks, his moving music, his crack habits, his emotional instability . . .

Wait, no, I do like him. I love him.

That's why I was at my computer by 9:45 Monday morning waiting for the ticket site to become available at 10 o'clock so I could order tickets for his fall show via the presale (cause I'm in the fan club and get regular emails, I know, I know). So you can imagine how surprised I was when, as soon as it turned from 9:59 to 10:00, I clicked right in and went to purchase my tickets for Boston on November 4th (MY BIRTHDAY I KNOW IT WAS MEANT TO BE) and it wouldn't let me get any. I kept trying, and trying, and trying. It kept saying silly things like I had selected too many tickets or some garbage like that. By the time I emailed the ticketmaster and went back on at 11am, it was sold out.

I later got an email saying that the presale had sold out IN ONE MINUTE.

Needless to say, I was devastated and thoroughly irritated. How am I going to have his babies if I can't even get to his show? (Stop. This is a joke.)

By Friday night, I was set on getting on my computer well before 10am the next morning so I could at least try my chances at getting tickets for the general public. (General public? Me? I was insulted. Perhaps they don't understand how die-hard of a fan I am . . .)

Saturday, I was babysitting. Which really means quelling fights and calming down hysterical five-year-olds and saying no to multiple glasses of chocolate milk at 9am and reminding about teeth brushing ten thousand times until it was actually done and constantly asking, "Did you really take off your glasses again? GO GET THEM." Horrifyingly, I forgot about poor Ray.

At 9pm last night, I remembered with a jolt. My mind went a mile a minute with thoughts of despair and grief and giving-up-edness. I thought I'd never get them.

By the time I found the ticket site (different the presale site, so it took me even longer), Boston was sold out. New York only had single seats available in places like "Upper Left Balcony Row YYY seat 2045." In other words, "You can pay $80 and sit here and listen to the music even though you'll only see half of Ray LaMontagne's profile the size of a flea and probably be suffocated with the smell oozing from the bathroom directly behind you. If you want."

I was not sold.

I then noticed a show in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania on November 7th. I Google Mapped it and realized it was only 13.5 miles from Jana. We could do this.

Even though she didn't answer her phone, I bought them anyway. If she couldn't go, I would just go by myself and invite a stranger off the street to join me, free of charge. I WAS GOING TO SEE THIS MAN.

In the end, Jana called me back. She wanted to go. Which is good, seeing as how I had already bought the tickets. We decided to make a weekend of it. I'm so excited.

Ray, here I come.

(Photo via The Couch Sessions)

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