Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I saw it. I semi-liked it. Some parts were good, some parts were bad. If you haven't seen it yet, I would highly suggest reading the book first. Really. I guess this is usually the case, but the book was just about a bajillion (jabillion? majillion?) times better. Go ahead. Read it. And then go see it. And then we can talk.

And if you've already seen it, what did you think? I personally hate when foreign actors try to put on American accents. And when little kids don't act like real little kids do. And having twelve-year-old girls sitting behind you in the theater giggling over parts that are non-giggly probably doesn't help, either.

Perhaps I'll re-read the book . . .

1 comment:

  1. ugh, i know what you mean... there were little teenagers giggling in my movie too which totally made the movie worse. I thought the preview was better done the movie but it wasn't awful... it just wasnt great.


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