Friday, July 31, 2009

Rachel's Return

In just less than an hour, Rachel will be landing.


Remember my last trip to see her? Life just hasn't been the same since. So, I made her fly home for the weekend and come see me (well, not really, but I'd like to think she'd hop on a plane at the drop of a hat if I told her to at any given moment--she actually has a bridal shower to attend, but whatever).

We're going to have so much fun--bonfires, South African wine, family cookouts, swimming, summer ale, lazy mornings with pancakes, tintos . . . the possibilities are endless. (I do realize this list includes three instances of alcohol. But c'mon, Rachel's gonna be home, people.)

I'll be sure to take many photos (who are we kidding? If Rachel's here of course there will be photos).

Have a happy weekend!

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