Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Old-Clothes-Only Decree: Week Five

Warning: Confession ahead. Read at your own risk.

I have a confession to make. I really didn't want to, but I need to be truthful. As I committed this scandalous act my only thought was how I was going to break it to the blogosphere. So here goes:

I bought new clothing.

Granted, it was only two pairs of yoga pants and a tee shirt to decorate for the Fourth of July (yes, I can be crafty), but still. I feel kinda let down. By my self. Which is silly. If anyone's going to be letting me down, it shouldn't be me. Oh well. Five weeks is a pretty long time. And it's not like I'm throwing in the towel and giving up. I'm still continuing the OOOD. I just . . . strayed.

Plus, I really don't want to be wearing someone's old sweaty yoga pants. Right? Er, right . . .

So that's that.

Thrift stores, here I come to fill a hole in my heart. I've got cash.

(And plenty more cliches. Cringe.)

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