Thursday, July 23, 2009

Starbucks, Swans, and Swings

This morning I took the kids to Starbucks for some hot chocolates and brownies. I think we're going to make it a Thursday morning ritual--hey, bribing kids with sugar to sit in Starbucks quietly for ten minutes while I get my morning caffeine isn't such a bad idea, right?

Mary, SuperTooth, and George Little (not their real names, clearly) were actually well-behaved. Which is a surprise, believe me. It wouldn't have happened without that sixty-second super-stern talk I gave them in the car before we went in (I really don't know what's with the "s" alliteration today).

After that we went over to the park across the street and visited the geese and ducks. We even saw swans. I'd like to think that I planned this stuff out and did it purposely for some educational field trip, but I didn't, not really. I'll tell their mother I did though, I think.

Mary and SuperTooth really got into taking their own pictures, which I thought was pretty cool (see the photo below--Mary said it was "like an explorer capturing them through the branches"). I love to see how excited they get about something fun like photography. They even told me they wanted their own cameras. I practically had to pry mine out of their little fingers before they broke it.

After that, the playground called to them and they thankfully entertained themselves for awhile. I'm trying to encourage them to use their imaginations--I can remember playing outside for hours as a kid, even by myself, just wandering the yard talking to my dolls and making up stories (wait, is that weird?). Mary, SuperTooth, and George Little still need some encouraging though.

All in all, it was a fun morning. At least we got out of the house and into a different town. Who knows what next week will hold . . .

(In case you're new to the blog, these are not my children. I'm a nanny to two of them and one is my little sister. Despite the fact that I get asked all the time by silly mothers, "Which one is yours?" and "Oh wow, are you with all three of them?", no, I did not give birth at the age of twelve. Just so we're clear.)


  1. heheh sounds like fun!! George little? from Stuart little? cuz that's what the little kid reminds me of! :-)

  2. I can't wait to get my hugs from George Little when I'm home next weekend!

  3. hahahahah that is EXACTLY what I get. Especially about the very Jewish-looking Anat. stupid moms. i swear, some women thinks that everyone has kids..

  4. Reminds me of my crazy babysitting days. I love the Starbucks trip and your S alliteration, made me laugh. Great pics. Would be cool if they could get their own camera. I thought kids that age had iphones already. Super tooth is the funniest name.

  5. excuse me, but i wish my name was "supertooth". oh yes, i remember the days of babysitting and stern talkings to. all i can say is that, if you ever have children, ruth, there will be these talks squared. well, cubed, only i don't want to put you off parenthood altogether.

    thank you for visiting my blog this morning. i cannot wait to look around yours a little more... and enjoy your "meatballs of the sea". maybe this tack will work with you, too.


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