Friday, July 3, 2009

Blogging to you from the sticks

That's right. I'm out in the sticks. Vermont, to be exact.

Luckily, I was able to find a squidge of wireless internet to be had out here by our cabin on Lake Champlain (I just drove around the entire camp office parking lot in my mother's minivan, inching my way from parking spot to sparking spot hoping to find just one bar of internet service). I hope I was able to avoid the stares of the staff/locals watching some girl from Connecticut going crazy in their parking lot trying to check her email and blog. But hey, it's been storming all afternoon and I'm starting to get bored and I really don't mind sitting in a peaceful car by myself for a few minutes.

So, I will be blogosphere-absent until at least Monday night. But I will return with pictures and videos and much more goodies, so stay tuned!

Enjoy your Fourth of July weekend! I'm going to (hopefully) go see fireworks tonight, which will make it truly feel like summer at last. How are you spending your weekend?

(Photo via GreatLakesWiki)

1 comment:

  1. Is that picture from where youre staying?! cause thats awesome looks real relaxing.


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