Wednesday, July 15, 2009

City of Sisterly Love: Revisited

I'm home from DC now. I'm back from waltzing around an incredibly fun city with a sister I love. I'm back from making new friends and watching Rachel play games of kickball beneath the Washington Monument. I'm back from walking miles and miles in the sun and heat and flip-flops in attempts to find the Tidal Basin paddle boats. I'm back from strolling down the block to the Thai restaurant and the gelato place and Whole Foods and Starbucks.

I'm back in Connecticut now.

I'm back to driving anywhere I have to go and filling my car up with pricey gas. I'm back to being constantly surrounded by at least three family members and only having my bedroom as a respite--and that's only if I remember to lock the door. I'm back to being a nanny and piling kids into the car in the morning and carting them back and forth to Vacation Bible School while organizing their lunch and playground dates afterwards.

DC was incredibly fun, but it just makes being here a little less sweet.

We really did have fun though. I plan on driving down there on a whim someday, just showing up at her doorstep and galavanting all weekend. It's lonely without her at home.

We did so much. It was like a mini-vacation, not worrying about work or where I had to be at 7am the next day (Rachel did, but hey, I didn't!). Even though my flight was delayed and I didn't make it to her apartment until 11:30 Friday night, we of course still went out. Rachel's always reliable for that kind of thing.

Saturday we went to Rachel's last kickball game on the mall, even though we were exhausted. A nap was called for that afternoon. I don't remember the last time I took a nap. It was much needed, since we went right back out for her end-of-kickball party that night. Of course, we had fun all over again. Rachel's very good at entertaining her guests.

Sunday we got some sleep and then started another busy day. We started with Eastern Market, a flea market/farmer's market in Capitol Hill, which was so much fun. I'm always up for any kind of outdoor market. We sampled fresh veggies and fruit and bought some corn-on-the-cob and cucumbers for dinner. Nothing beats ripe summer produce.

After that, the walking started. We walked and walked and then walked some more. We finally found the paddle boating on the Tidal Basin and paddled around the Jefferson Memorial while trying in vain not to flash the innocent passers-by (note: do not wear a dress while paddle-boating, please learn from our mistake). A very well-spent afternoon, though.

The rest of our trip involved visiting her office, eating Thai food, watching yoga on the sidewalk (really, can I please live in a place where they hold free yoga classes on the sidewalk?!) and seeing Away We Go (GO SEE THIS!) in a small artsy theater on E Street.

This trip totally beats trip number one. I can't wait to go back.


  1. oo man ruth! you're making me want to go to the city!!! ..

    if you ever need a respite away from home.. you can come live here! hehe..

    I know what ya mean about getting away and coming back! it always sucks lol

  2. Love the pics w/ the comments-a little taste of being there! Keep visiting, enjoying! Love -Auntie Mary(AM)


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