Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rainy Afternoon

What are you up to this afternoon? Here in Connecticut it's absolutely gloomy--a perfect day for staying in bed and cuddling up with a book and some tea.

I spent some time this afternoon looking through old photographs with Mary on the living room carpet, in attempts to organize them.

I just love seeing old pictures from my childhood. I especially love when you come across a really old one and a really recent one right next to each other--it's so strange to see backyards changing and children growing and new people entering our lives, don't you think?

PS: The interview went extraordinarily well. I'll update tomorrow!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you found my blog.

    I LOVE old photographs... there's nothing better than browsing through them and those old memories coming back to you :)



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