Thursday, July 16, 2009

Be Where You Can Be

This morning at yoga I got a few words of wisdom from my ever-enlightening yoga instructor. As we were moving into our child's pose, she told us,

"Be where you can be. Know that wherever you are, you are perfect."

Of course, she meant this literally, as in as far as we can stretch is great, but I liked to think about that figuratively, too. Wherever we can be in life, and wherever we feel comfortable being, is perfect. Wherever that is, we are always perfect.

How comforting.

She also spoke about being grateful to ourselves for coming to yoga today and giving our bodies the favor. This is a strange concept for me. Thank myself for going to yoga? Because I'm not at work at 9am on a Thursday morning but rather indulging in something I really enjoy? My knee-jerk reaction to this is to feel guilty.

But I'd like to think she was onto something. Doing something good for yourself is something you should be obligated to do. If we can't treat ourselves well, how are we ever going to succeed in life? I need to learn to start right here with myself.

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(Photo via j/f/photos)


  1. I think this is why I love yoga so much--everything is perfect the way it is.

  2. Lovely. I needed to hear that. Thanks.


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