Monday, July 20, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

I spent my weekend catching up with old friends, driving in the rain, attemping my first stitched notecards, catching up on sleep, visiting the Brimfield Flea Market with Abby, finally seeing Amelie, early Sunday morning yoga, skinny vanilla lattes from Starbucks, tanning in the backyard and reading Emily Bronte, baking banana-rum-walnut biscotti, and late night not-so-scary movies.

How was your weekend?

(Are you new to Ruth Writes? Welcome! Be sure to become a follower and check back often for updates--thanks for visiting!)


  1. the first picture on this blog has amazing similarities to my recent post. :)

    also, i have been meaning to tell you, that i have that "banner" painting. it is green. BUT, i was having problems with the camera. or getting photos onto the computer. ANYWAY. I have it, but i really really like your hand written banner. let me know if you still want it....(but i think you should keep the one you have)
    love you

  2. Chock full fun weekend! Love your cat and nasturtiums. The bread looks delicious.


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