Thursday, July 23, 2009


Have you guys seen this?

While reading one of my very favorite blogs, Heart of Light, I came across one of her posts about this alternative way to incorporate new veggies into meals--the CSA box (Community Supported Agriculture). Seriously . . . this is brilliant.

You just go to the Local Harvest website, type in your area code, and find things in your area--farms, CSAs, farmer's markets, co-ops, and restaurants. You get a box (I think every week) filled with a random assortment of veggies and fruits, which is a great way to experiment with never-before-eaten foods.

If I had my own kitchen and actually cooked for myself (I suppose one good thing about living at home is having Mom's homecooked dinners . . .), I would totally do this. Check it out!

(Are you new to Ruth Writes? Welcome! Be sure to become a follower and check back often for updates--thanks for visiting!)

(Photo via

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie I got one of these...this is also the first time I am commenting on your blog, I should do it more often but I feel like I am actually talking to you when I read your blog- like you'd already know what I have to say


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