Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Introducing: Jannalyn

A new character to Ruth Writes needs a proper introduction. And she's not even new. In fact, she's been around for over ten years. I should really mention her more . . .

Meet Jannalyn Bailey of The Art Process. When we were thirteen she decided she didn't want to be "Jannalyn" anymore (read: she was born in January [Janna-] and her mother's name is Linda [-Lyn]), so she started telling people she was now "Jana". So I like to call her Jana. Or JaniePat (because we both have the middle name of Patricia).

She's an incredibly talented artist and just graduated from a small liberal arts college outside of Philadelphia. So yes, we are now miles apart and have been for four years. It's very sad, really. I love this girl like a sister.

She majored in painting and metals, so pretty much all my gifts from her are either paintings or jewelry. I love it. The majority of the earrings I wear are handcrafted by her. I get asked all the time where I got them. I love to say, "Oh, my friend Jana made them for me, she's an artist," as if I were part of some special club or something. Half my bedroom is decorated with her artwork. It's great having her as a friend.

Best of all, she has an Etsy shop! You should really check it out. Enough of those expensive Anthropologie pieces (as beautiful as I know they are), support a young artist! Really, she has some amazing pieces. And paintings, too. I want them all. Whenever I have my own kitchen, it will be covered in Jana's adorable fruit and veggie paintings. I can't wait.

Here's to you, Jana. Miss you.

(All photos courtesy of The Art Process blog and Etsy)


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