Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bring it on, I can take it

Today, I was kindly told by a five-year-old that I "probably weigh about one-hundred-thousand-million pounds." Okay, so George Little never knows what he's talking about, but c'mon. Just bash my ego with a stick. SuperTooth guessed better at one hundred pounds (or so I'd like to believe . . .)

We went to this cool park/zoo/hiking place today. My weight seemed to be the subject of conversation all day long, somehow. The wit of little children, really. As we were looking at the emus, Mary read the sign that said they can weigh up to one hundred pounds. She leaned in to the emu through the fence and whispered extremely audibly, "Hey emu, you and my sister almost weigh the same--except my sister weighs more!" And then she turned to me and said, "See, Ruth? You're not alone. Emus weigh a lot, too."

I almost skipped lunch today.

But hey, I can take it. Bring it on, little kids. I may not be four-and-a-half feet tall and sixty-five pounds, but hey, I'm not in a booster seat anymore, either.

This all happened while I brought all three kids to the park, all. morning. long.

What was I thinking? My three-and-a-half mile run/walk from the day before (yes, I finally did it!) was kicking in and my poor muscles were tired. Wrangling three loud children through a park/zoo was not such a good idea.

I always used to judge moms who seemed like they weren't doing anything to discipline their children when they acted out in public. Now I get it. I can't tell you how many evil stares I got as George Little whined and cried while I calmly tried to tell him that he had to sit for one minute (the horror, I know) after kicking his sister down the slide and making her cry. Now not only were surrounding parents judging me for obviously being a ridiculously young mother of three (riiight) but now they were glaring at me for making this child cry. If I had reprimanded him and put him in a real time-out like I would have done if we were at home, I surely would have been been tied to the monkey bars and beaten with the swings. Disciplining in public is intimidating.

Anyway, we had fun at the park. It was a long day. Tomorrow I plan on forcing them outside (please God, don't let it rain) and making them actually use their imaginations. If tomorrow is anything like today was, I just may be one sad, unemployed college graduate tomorrow afternoon. Just kidding.

I was happy when we finally pulled into their driveway and I could release George Little and SuperTooth to their mother.

Until tomorrow, that is.

I had a silly little movie to show you, but Blogger is being even sillier and won't let me upload it. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

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