Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Two Skirts

These are the skirts that I've completed so far. Surprisingly, I didn't do anything terribly wrong and they came out okay (and by okay I mean simply fitting, because I've really mucked up quite a few of my "creations" because I didn't measure right or cut wrong--things of that nature).



"Sylvia" is much more comfortable, with cinching at the waist and a much looser fit (which I realize now is much less flattering). "Alison" is tight tight tight and definitely not as comfortable, but could be dressed up a little easier, I think. Both are made with elastic waists (read: I don't know how to sew beyond this).

So luckily, these are wear-able. I've never followed a pattern or anything (because I don't even know how to), so this are really originals. If there are expert seamstresses out there (or seamsters, seamers, sewing-men--whatever), please don't judge these. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm okay with that.

(Are you new to Ruth Writes? Welcome! Be sure to become a follower and check back often for updates--thanks for visiting!)


  1. they're so cute!!
    I love "sylvia"!!!

  2. My favorite part is your names for them.

  3. Hi Ruth, Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog today. If you do decide to head to the Berkshires let me know — MASS MoCA is a must see!


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