Monday, July 27, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

I know, I took all of five pictures this weekend. I was really not in a picture-taking mood. Ever. So I squeezed out the few that I did and you'll have to take my word for the rest. This weekend was filled with:

.Seeing The Ugly Truth (You can guess what happens from seeing 5 seconds of the preview--save your money)

.Early morning intense yoga

.Baking homemade bagels for the first time!

.Visiting the fabric store and buying remnants (I love the remnants section)

.Making a skirt with said remnants (I'll share soon!)

.Eating lots of Greek yogurt with honey and granola

.Cleaning and list-making (duh)

.And lots of episodes of The Office

My weekend was supposed to be filled with, but wasn't:

.A beach trip, and

.A long run (I swear, next time I'm just braving it and running in the rain--when will it finally stop?!)

My weekend was a bit disappointing. Hopefully yours was better?

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  1. Aww, the kitty in the window is such a lovely photo :)

    My weekend was a little disappointing... we stayed at home, instead of going away for the weekend, so we could finish off the building work we're doing. Almost finished now!!

    Saskia x

  2. meh mine was all of disappointing too. you did a lot more than i did.


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