Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Hello, July

Wow. It's July 1st. Who would have thought? I thought it was just April and I was writing this . . .

Monday night I went to my third yoga class. Have I told you I'm in love with yoga? Because I am. It's so relaxing. And especially now when I can't stop my mind from spinning out of control with all I have going on, it's really good for me. I'd recommend it.

Do you ever get that way? Like you just can't turn off your brain? Sometimes I wish mine had a switch. It's so difficult for me to unwind and clear my thoughts . . . even at yoga when I have an instructor training me to do it. Secretly, (or maybe not even so secretly) I hope other people have the same problem I do. Doesn't it make us all feel so much better when we know other people are going through the same things?

So back to it being July 1st. If I were a kid, summer would be just starting. But I'm not. I'm twenty-one. Summer is halfway through!

(I was driving the kids I nanny for to camp this morning and we were talking about birthdays. George Little [not his real name] asked me when mine was, and when I told him, he guessed right away that I'd be turning twenty-two [these kids are way too nice to me, and are so infatuated with the details of my life]. I made some silly comment about how I was going to be so old, and his response was, "Yeah, but you won't be as old as an old man!" I love having kids like George Little around to put my life into perspective.)

And then, we lost power last night because of all the storms we've been having around here. My first thought of course was of how the internet would be out, too. I died a little on the inside. Not check my email before bed? Not add a new post to Ruth Writes? I knew then that I really am addicted.

I've started a new list (surprise, surprise) that I'm thinking of sharing with you soon. It's all about change, and my summer is going to be all about change. I've been reading countless books on the subject and really can't wait to start turning my life around. And preventing myself from spending too much time on my computer is going to be my first step, I think.

After all, I don't have all the time in the world. I could hit my head on the plane when I go to visit Rachel (so soon!) and never wake up again. I could get cancer tomorrow. Or I could suffer cardiac arrest. (I know, I hate it when people truly live every day like that Tim McGraw song about living like you were dying because I think that's a terrible way to live every day of your life, but go with me here.) But really, it's true. Why proclaim change and inspiration if you're not going to let yourself change or be inspired? There's no time like the present (I apologize for my profound use of cliches this morning, really, I do).

As George Little says, it's not like I'm going to become an old man or anything anytime soon.

Thank God.

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(Photo via Tinaylin)

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome ruth. inspiring in a way. hope it all works out.


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