Monday, June 29, 2009

Vintage Curtains

I am simply in love with the "new" curtains in my room. After I had painted, my bedroom looked so bare. And with my old curtains looking horrible against my new wall color, I opted to just leave them bare until I came across something good.

Luckily, family intervened.

My mom happened to be up in the attic one day when I heard her calling me. She came down the rickety wooden ladder with her arms full of adorable blue and green curtains that she said belonged to my grandma-in-heaven (as she likes to call her)(who used to live in this house and had since passed away). Even my mom had never even seen them before--she just happened upon them. And they just happened to go wonderfully with my new-and-improved room.

Aren't they beautiful? I love having something that has real meaning to it, not just something I found on the clearance shelf at Target (mind you, I'm not bashing Target--I live for their clearance racks).

Thanks, Grandma-in-Heaven.

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