Thursday, June 4, 2009

Perspective: Home Life

Hi. I thought I'd share a snippet of my recent life-back-home-after-college. I think I'm having high school flashbacks. That is not good.

I woke up this morning to Mary running into my room in her blue fleece bathrobe looking for Stella. Not to say good morning to me bright-and-cheerfully, but to find the cat. Her "new best friend," according to her. Adorable, yes. At 7:00 in the morning? Not so much.

I then proceeded to clean my room. And go grocery shopping. And return a movie to Redbox. And reheat leftover falafel for lunch (from dinner last night at Cafe Lebanon with Joe--sooo good!). I went to work at 1 o'clock. Until 6 o'clock.

Then I came home to an empty house, reheated the previous family meal, scarfed it down, and went to watch Mary's last softball game. I came home. I got a glass of pinotage (okay, so not quite like high school), planned out my morning for tomorrow (yikes, Boston interview!), and waited on the couch with a book for So You Think You Can Dance to start. I was already tired. It was 8:46.

That was my day. No nickel nights out at Huskies for the start of the weekend. No, I'm watching So You Think You Can Dance on the couch with my mom.

Yet, I like this show. And I'm exhausted from chasing after toddlers all afternoon at work. I rather look forward to going to bed early. And this pinotage is pretty tasty. Perhaps at some points I think this is all foolishness and my life is wasting away while I'm back living at home, but right now, I'm kind of okay with this.

Am I crazy?

(Photo via *Elise)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel confident enough to know that you ARE going places...this is just a "lay over" in the travel plan of life! Live in the moment and enjoy.....



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