Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Perk

I think I've discovered what's been missing in my life that's put me in my recent foul mood. I didn't want to admit it, but here it is: coffee.

I'm hardly a coffee drinker. It's not like I'm addicted to the caffeine (although now, I realize, perhaps I am). But with this new diet, caffeine is not recommended. I prided myself on the fact that I could get away with no coffee once I realized I wasn't getting caffeine withdrawal headaches or any such thing.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Lately I've just been so down-in-the-dumps. No energy, no motivation, no drive. I was just attributing it to PMS, but I think it was the lack of coffee.

I had my first cup in days this morning, and it's done wonders for my spirit. I cleaned my room. I washed the living room windows. I scrubbed the kitchen floor (Happy birthday, Mom--your gift is now underway). All in all, my eyes are just a little wider and my fingers are typing just a little faster. The sun may not be out (I detest this weather--why I need to move to California), but I feel a little better.

Hooray for coffee!

What perks you up when you're under the weather?

(Photo via albaflickr)


  1. Long distance 8 am girl parties!

  2. OO coffee definitely perks me up!

    I also like to watch Audrey Hepburn movies! :-D

    how's your diet goin?


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