Saturday, June 13, 2009

Old-Clothes-Only Decree: Week Three

Is it Week 3 already? I could have sworn I was just typing up Week 2 the other day . . . No doubt this is how the whole summer will go!

This week I took a new approach to my OOOD. Instead of buying myself clothes, I donated old stuff! (I guess I shouldn't say donated, because really I sold it to them "on consignment," but still, I'm contributing to recycling and reducing my carbon footprint and all that, so it counts.)

I had so much old stuff! I promised myself when I re-did my room I would do away with any clothing I hadn't worn in the past year. It was difficult, but I really needed to let go of the too-tight, green, cargo capris from high school--let's be real. I had an absurd amount of clothing that I've had since I was 14. So off it went to Uptown Consignment and I walked away with my shoulders feeling a little lighter. They even said that to encourage recycling, they let you take 20% off anything if you use any profit from your consignment in the store! That's my kind of place.

I scoured the store for anything good while I waited for them to process my heaps of clothing (they probably thought I was crazy--it took three trips from my car), but it was their two-year anniversary celebration day or something and the store was mobbed with crazy old lady shoppers looking for bargains and taking advantage of the free coffee and brownies (I, of course, abstained--flat bellies don't come from brownies).

Anyways, even though they didn't even take all of my stuff (they said some items looked too "worn"--as if that wasn't the reason I was bringing them to a secondhand shop, but whatever), it was still a very good use of a Saturday morning and now I have a whole empty Rubbermaid container to do with as I like!

1 comment:

  1. awesome!! I gota do that one of these days haha....i have too much clothing..


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