Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Am So Awake

I'm awake. And it's currently 3:03am. I shouldn't be awake at 3:03am, right?

I should mention I've been up since 1.

Alas, menstrual cramps are my enemy. When you're in such pain you can't even move in your bed besides to adjust the screen of your computer in the three-o'clock-in-the-morning-pitch-darkness of your bedroom, you know it's bad. Plus, I'm hungry (are diets even worth the mental stress?) so that's not helping.

Mary's nocturnal hamster is running madly on her wheel in the next room, and Stella is snoring/breathing very loudly under my bed (at least, I hope that sound is coming from Stella . . . ). All I've been doing is reading blogs.

It's 3:09am now. I'm still awake. Send help.

1 comment:

  1. awww :-(.. drink a glass of red wine :) that works for me!


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