Monday, June 8, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

Hello. How was your weekend? Back to Monday . . . why is it that Mondays weigh so heavily on my spirit? Perhaps it's the fact that I have the rest of a long week ahead of me on the horizon . . .

Here's a little wrap-up of my weekend:

Mary's ponytail softball game Thursday night. I feel like I was just nine years old and playing softball the other day . . .

Mary's piano recital Friday evening. Man, am I a dedicated big sister or what?

Laying out by Lauren's pool Saturday afternoon. I've waited all winter for this!

I really enjoy taking pictures of clouds . . . I'm not sure why . . .

At the drive-in Saturday night. I'm so glad we live relatively close to a drive-in theater still in existence . . . the best summer nights :)

I couldn't get a picture of the dancing hot dog and bun (aka the best part)!

Sunday was spent cleaning and relaxing, grocery shopping for my new diet (oh, I haven't mentioned that?), writing thank you notes, and movie-watching. With all that's going on, it wasn't the best weekend I've ever had, but I'm sad to see it end. Work, here I come.

(PS: New diet. Yes. It's called the Flat Belly Diet. [Flat belly? Yes please!] It's from Prevention magazine and has been featured on all sorts of news and TV shows. I often feel silly writing about these things on here, because knowing myself I'm just going to flake out within a week and sound like an unmotivated idiot. But I'm really doing this one. I'm on day four, the last of the four-day jumpstart portion. Then I can eat more calories [read: I'm starving right now] and enjoy myself a little more. It's supposed to work wonders. I'll keep you updated. I know that some bloggers who are super serious write down their starting weight and pounds lost each week and their BMI blah blah blah but who are we kidding here--the day I put my weight on the internet is the day I curl up underneath a rock and die. So let's just say, I'll let you if and when my belly gets flatter. I think I pick a new diet each summer in the fear of squeezing back into a bathing suit. Well, I'll embrace that, then. Hooray for summer diets!)

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