Saturday, June 20, 2009

Old-Clothes-Only Decree: Week Four

You know, this is really going fabulously. Who knew it'd be so easy to just not buy new clothes? Okay, well I guess it's not really a walk in the park (did I just use a cliche?) but it's not the worst thing I've ever come up with, either.

Think of all the money I'm saving! Think of how many times I've deleted the "Hurry in for 20% off everything in the store!" emails from Gap! Think of all the clothes I would usually have bought and then let sit in my closet because they looked humongously worse than in the dressing room and I'm too forgetful to return them! Think of the environment! The madness!

(However, this week I did purchase an adorable night-dress and a bra. I think those are allowed, right? I really couldn't buy a used bra, I have to draw the line somewhere . . . )

And to top off this one-month-marker, I found a new consignment store! It's just ten minutes from my house and has the greatest stuff. I happened to drive by it and decided to stop in just for a peek, even though I had yogurt in the back seat boiling in the heat of the car. But a new find! I had to go in!

Turns out, it was their very first day open. I think they were really excited to have another customer that afternoon (I was the only one in there). It was a bunch of cute old ladies putting a manequin wearing "PJs and a housecoat" in the window and figuring out how to work the cash register. I found amazing things and can't wait to go back (and I can bring in all my stuff the other store didn't take!). Here's a sampling of what I got:

Vintage skirt, summer sweater, and purse--all for less than $20:

(Note: The skirt has pockets. And it is high-waisted. You really can't go wrong.)

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