Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Introducing: Stella

The newest addition of my post-college life, Miss Stella, joins Ruth Writes.

(She's still a bit skittish, and barely comes out from under my bed, so these pictures will not be up to par.)

Isn't she precious?

I got her from the Humane Society. She's eight years old (they think) and was abandoned at their door a few weeks ago. Her left ear is a little crinkled from ear mites that went without treatment for too long, but I think it's kind of cute and gives her a little character.

She's super sweet, loves to be pet (when she comes out) and enjoys licking people.

She's got a good, solid name, too. They originally thought she was a boy, so they called her Webster. I had to change that. Thank you, Tennesee Williams.

More to come on Miss Stella :)


  1. I cant believe you were able to get a picture of her licking lol. That's some skill


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