Monday, June 15, 2009

A Dapple of My Weekend

Hello, how was your weekend? Mine was just lovely. Well, it had its ups and its downs. But I guess I was deliberately trying ridiculously hard to look for the positive, given the circumstances.

You know those weeks that just don't go your way? Mine was like that, only a kajillion times worse (I know, I shouldn't be complaining, I semi-have a job and I'm not dying of hunger and I have a house to live in, but you get what I mean). This weekend wasn't really much better--but a tiny kitten, a scrumptious chocolate bar with a love poem inside (yes! I can eat chocolate on this diet!), and pining after the Saab of my dreams made it just a little brighter.

Babysitting on Friday, consignment store and natural foods store outings on Saturday, movie night with Mary, winewinewine and more wine, enjoying the landscape of Somers (there's got to be something good about this town), putzing around in my junky hand-me-down car, and homemade dinners eaten outside were how I spend my time.

How did you spend yours?

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  1. umm whos kitten is that? i think i want it.

  2. oo what natural grocery store do you go to? the closest one i kno of is in west hartford!!..
    that kitten is adoorable! btw!


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