Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Words of Wisdom

I told Mary today about Joe and me. Mary is an extremely sensitive nine-year-old. She takes a liking to anyone who sets foot in the house, whether she knows them or not, and practically takes it as a personal offense if they somehow stray out of her life.

This is what she said, exasperatedly, as if she had really thought this through:

"Why, Ruth? I hate break ups. Why--why do people choose to do this?! Why would you ever want to break up with him? I never want a break up. Anyway, will he be coming over to the house to visit your cat anymore? Aren't you guys still best friends? I have some friends that are boys. Like Alex--we play together at recess, with Thalia and Fiona and Anna. This one time, we were playing human dominos . . . "

And then, in true Mary fashion, she had forgotten all about any talk of break ups and was on to talk of recess games. Why can't I be more like that? Just really hash out my feelings and get it all over with, and then move on to another topic just like that?

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