Thursday, February 17, 2011

coming seasons.

tulips for myself

This week, I've driven with a window down for the first time in months.

I've slept at night with my curtains open, for soaking in the earlier and earlier morning sunlight.

I've even left the house with only a sweater on.

Spring, and a warmer brighter season, is on its way. I can feel it. (Although I'm not sure the worst of this dark season is over just yet.)


  1. twice this week i drove with the windows down and wore a skirt with no tights! for the first time in months! it was glorious.

  2. I just love the first signs of spring!

  3. This post just made me so excited for spring! It's 55 here today which is AMAZING! Tomorrow it goes back down to the 30s though. But hey, we're getting there!

  4. This week has been just divine! Here's hoping it stays this way!

  5. i am so excited i don't have to wear tights anymore!

  6. Spring is coming - I love it too! Windows down, shortsleeve T-shirts, warmer temperatures, and the suggestion of the coming season - who can resist?

  7. You know, I have been feeling completely suffocated lately if my windows are not opened at night. That has not happened in ages. Plus, there is sunshine here almost daily and some brave souls are even wearing shorts. I am so thrilled that it almost spring.


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