Friday, February 11, 2011

hunkering down

winter sunset

This weekend, I plan on hunkering down.

I'm gathering necessities. I'm creating a nest. I'm refusing plans.

I've armed myself with a bottle of cheap wine, extra pillows, another Margaret Atwood book (I haven't gotten through one yet), a turned-off alarm clock, instant Netflix episodes of The Office, lots of tissues, my new "Things That Make Me Feel Good" journal, library books about famous photographers, and 500 Days of Summer (again).

I'm going to let go, and listen.


  1. Sounds like the recipe for a good weekend! I particularly appreciate your plans for some Margaret Atwood books and 500 Days of Summer. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. i LOVE 500 days of summer!

    have a beautiful weekend!

  3. Sounds like the perfect weekend. Enjoy! :)

  4. sounds like your going to have a fabulous weekend, enjoy it :)

  5. I've never made it through a Margret Atwood book either. I think she is a finer writer, though. Anyways, that sounds like a perfect weekend.

  6. sounds like a very good weekend indeed. (i've been netflixing the office myself--i'm back in season 2, reveling in it all for the umpteenth time).

    ps: have i ever said how much i love your about me in your blogger profile? it's magic.

  7. Oh my gosh Ruth! I had no idea you blogged either. I'm definitely putting your blog in my Google reader. Yay for blog friends! :)


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