Monday, February 21, 2011

happy birthday, lauren.

the girlsbest martini everme and the birthday girl!

Friday night was spent out with good friends celebrating Lauren's 24th birthday. We waiting over an hour and a half for a table, and it was totally worth it. We had philosophical discussions about Twitter (I'm converting everyone I know, almost), laughed until our eyes teared, and ate way too much.

I realize these photos look impossibly silly. I think that's a good indicator.


  1. I just love your posts! :) Looks like you had a wonderful time with your friends...and Happy Birthday to Lauren!

    Liesl :)

  2. Aww thanks for the blog post Ruthie! I had a great birthday and dinner was fabulous!!!!!

  3. The photos are so happy! Love them :) So glad that Lauren had a great birthday :)


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