Thursday, February 10, 2011

these things i've been learning

hearts + lights

Taking a deep breath feels good.
Holding my breath and clenching my jaw does not feel good.

Declining invitations that I don't want to accept feels good.
Doing something just for the sake of doing something does not feel good.

Getting up and leaving the room when I don't want to be there feels good.
Sitting and allowing anger and frustration to swell deep in my belly does not feel good.

Speaking honestly, right away, feels good.
Beating around the bush and waiting to break the news later does not feel good. 

Being careful not to compare my life to others' feels good.
Comparing and copying and pretending does not feel good.

Giving myself the entire weekend to do nothing and make no plans feels good.
Making endless lists of tasks that I will inevitably feel bad about not completing does not feel good.

What feels good to you?

Have a happy, feeling-good weekend.


  1. i needed this post.
    i'm going to print it out to use as a reminder!!

    i've been working, very hard, to not compare my life to others'. i realized that a lot of decisions i'm making are based from that evaluation and from what society thinks i Should do.
    instead, i'm really, really, Really and Honestly asking myself what I Want to do.

    interesting answers have come up. some are scary. but it's exciting at the same time.

  2. I really love this post.

    Sleeping in feels good.
    Feeding myself whole foods feels good.
    Taking the time to breathe feels good.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Girls, these comments are just what I needed to hear.


Have I ever told you how much I love your comments?