Tuesday, November 17, 2009

award time.

The adorable Wendy of Red Boots has tagged me with this award:

An award? Me? I'm blushing. Thanks, Wendy. Apparently I'm supposed to post ten random facts about myself, so here goes:

I always use children’s toothpaste—I really can’t stand the grown-up, super-minty kind.

Some day I will have my own brand name. Handbags, headbands, skirts—you name it, I’ll make it. I’ve already made a few labels . . . . .

I’ll also have a coffe-shop-by-day, wine-bar-by-night. Oh, and a hair salon, and a daycare, and a nonprofit organization, too.

I plan, think, organize, obsess, analyze and dwell on things way too much.

When I was little, my mom once had to ground me off reading because I would never do anything I was supposed to be doing. I suppose that’s not the worst you could expect in a kid, right?

I like to experiment with my hair. I get bored with it extremely easily, every few months or so. One time I tried to dye it a deep brown/auburn color (with a box from the pharmacy, of course), and it came out purpleish/black. I had to convince everyone I hadn’t become goth, but that it was just a dye job gone bad. I think I actually wore a hat for days.

I have never broken a bone, had a cavity, or been stung by a bee. Ever.

I once took a semester of Arabic, in the hopes of getting a minor in African Studies. I graduated with a minor in International Studies instead, and never learned another ounce of Arabic. I did get the alphabet down pretty good, though. And now know how to say “God willing” if I ever travel to a Middle Eastern country.
I’ve never been west of the state of Pennsylvania (in the United States, that is). One can only take so much of New England before they acquire a case of wanderlust.

I adore sweet bloggers who give other bloggers nice awards. I knew there was a good reason why I like blogging . . . . .

With that, I now tag Jana of The Art Process with the Sugar Doll Award because, you know, she's a Sugar Doll. (I feel like I should be all glammed up and on a red carpet, no? There should totally a bloggers award show. Like the Oscars, but so much better.)


  1. Yay - what great answers! I am very jealous that you have never broken a bone or been stung by a bee.

    I hope one day your Arabic will come in useful! I studied German - the only phrase I can remember is "Where is the vacuum cleaner" - very useful!


  2. nice! I remember when you died your hair purple lol


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