Thursday, November 12, 2009

a tidbit.

Overheard, while meandering through Barnes and Noble one night:

20-something boyfriend, in Science Fiction section: "It's too bad the world's going to end in 2012. We won't even get to see you graduate."

20-something girlfriend, whispering and looking around, embarrassed: "Don't say that! The world's not going to end in 2012!"

20-something boyfriend, ignoring her: "At least we'll be able to open that bottle of wine we've been saving. That'll taste pretty good."


  1. LMAO

    yes, i just typed that. more of these, please. over heard convos.

  2. That Nostradamus really caused some worry.

  3. Too funny. A friend of mine wrote the other week, "If the Aztec's could predict the world would end in 2012, why could they not see the Spanish coming?" I thought it was a good point.

    Have a great weekend! I'm going to a butterfly sanctuary on Sunday and maybe Northampton on the way home.

  4. I hope the rest of the world doesn't REALLY believe that stuff! In the Bible it says even Jesus doesn't know the day or the hour...just GOD the FATHER.Hmmmm...


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