Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Dapple Of My Weekend + Ray Concert

Hello all. I'm back from an exhausting, but terribly fun, weekend. Doesn't it sometimes feel like having a good weekend is just too bittersweet to handle? It makes going back the regular old routine that much harder.

I drove nine hours round trip all by myself in the past two days. I am not looking forward to getting into my car tomorrow morning. I've seen enough of her. Also, I've seen enough gas drain out of my car quicker than I can fill it, it seems. Whew.

It was a really great visit to see Jana in Philadelphia, though. I arrived yesterday afternoon and we had tea and some birthday goodies and catch-up time. It was refreshing. How I miss that girl . . .
Jana and her boyfriend Michael are the type of people you envy. They have a seemingly perfect relationship (I know, I know--relationships are not perfect, but don't ruin this for me!), they are absolutely made for each other, they have books on their bookshelf like, "Beatles: The Complete Scores," and, "From Impressionism to Modern Art," they have cool handmade art hanging everywhere--everything anybody would want. They are one cool couple.

After we went out for a birthday dinner (and ordered waaaay too much), Jana and I made our way to the Tower Theater. I was nearly shaking with excitement. We are devoted Ray Lamontagne fans.

And he was just as amazing as I remember him. More, maybe. This show was completely solo, so it was just Ray, his guitar, and his harmonica (how much do I love a guy playing the harmonica?) No backup singers, no big band, nothing. Just us, and Ray.

At one point early on, some girl shouted out her love for Ray. Usually, he's a completely silent performer, saying no more than a cordial hello and thanking us for coming. But he stopped, chuckled, and told her he loved her, too. He paused and seemed to think about it for a second, before saying, "If you guys even knew how much I loved you, you'd freak the fuck out." Verbatim, people.

It was amazing how differently songs sound when done live. It's like listening is a completely different experience altogether. The emotion is so raw and right there for the audience to absorb--I seem to forget that he actually wrote these words himself, and actually felt what he was singing.

I could see a show every single day and never get bored of it. I'm contemplating becoming a groupie, actually. When I come into a large sum of money, that is. One show a year is enough to afford for now.

Did I mention Jana and Michael have a dog, too? His name is Morey, and he's hilarious. See? I told you they had it good.

And then, after a sad goodbye and a big long hug, I got back in my car and managed to make it all the way back to Connecticut, by myself. It was very depressing. I already miss Jana. And Ray. Mostly Jana, though.

Ray and I aren't that good of friends.


Videos coming soon!


  1. God that show must have been AMAZING! I'm envious! I don't think he's coming around here...yet. Such great photos too!

  2. So fun! I wish I could have been there with you guys...guess I'll have to wait for Christmas!


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