Saturday, November 7, 2009

off to philly.

Today, I'm off for yet another busy weekend. This time, I'm road-tripping solo to Philadelphia to see my best-friend-since-fifth-grade, Jana (you may remember her from my giveaway!). We haven't seen each other in way too long, and this time we have a special mission:

We're going to see Ray LaMontagne! Live. In concert. My heart is fluttering.

Scrambling for those tickets this summer was definitely worth it. Have a great weekend!

(I better remember to post as soon as I return on Sunday--I really can't mess up this NaBloPoMo . . . )

(Photo via yuri van der meer)

1 comment:

  1. ooohh Ray!!
    lucky you! can't wait to hear about how amazing he is!


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