Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Dapple Of My Weekend

This weekend I:

:: traipsed around the woods of Vermont,

:: strolled through the streets of Brattleboro,

::admired cozy little nooks in used bookstores,

::poked through trays, bowls, plates, and cups full of beads,

:: went to thrift store after thrift store after thrift store . . .

:: wished fall would never, ever leave,

:: made some new headbands,

:: went shopping with MH

:: watched You've Got Mail,

:: made some more grad school plans (!),

:: and ate Halloween candy.

Is it Monday already?


  1. So pretty! I love it up there in VT :)

  2. Lovely photos. Fun weekend.
    Oh poop is right!

  3. Great pics from Brattleboro! I love it there. Did you eat at Fireworks Pizza by any chance? It's excellent. It's beyond excellent actually, it's addictive.

  4. oh wow, you had a pretty perfect weekend!
    i should move to new england...

  5. The used bookstore looks so comfy!

  6. This looks like a perfect weekend to me; you are a girl after my own heart, Ruth! I had a very similar Brattleboro weekend this past summer. I love that area.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving such a nice comment! I'm so glad you found me, because that led me here to you!


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